Thursday, November 29, 2007

Moose: Tasty

We have eaten the moose! And it was good!

Chris made yummy mooseburgers last night (more pictures of the process, including exciting shots of raw ground moose patties, here), and now I can finally put a check mark next to the name of yet another of our earth's beautiful creatures, thus indicating that it was tasty.

Moose is a lean meat, so you have to add some fat to it to make a decent burger -- Chris added pancetta, so there were undertones of high-class bacon in the burger, but I could also taste the moosiness. It was pretty mild, actually (and not that different from beef, to tell the truth, but who cares).

I also saw another (live) moose across the street yesterday while I was out walking with Soren. It looked like Baby Shark. I couldn't see Mama Shark anywhere, which made me uneasy, so we didn't stick around too long.


Claudia Golden said...

WOW...who's the food photographer? THat burger looks good enough to eat!!!

Kirsten said...

Chris took the picture. Pretty nice, eh?

Claudia Golden said...

Hey Chris,
I'd say quit ur day job...cuz the food photograph is up there with "gourmet-magazine" pix...but something tells me you should keep ur job...just in case...

MG said...

That pic would definitely go with Adam's photo of the fancy chocolate pear for Christi's birthday!

I bet those are homemade onion rings too, huh?

ok. you're making this pregnant lady hungry.

(friend of Christi & Kathy)