Thursday, November 1, 2007

Country Moose, City Moose

I've seen a few country moose since we got here, but no city moose -- until Tuesday night! A friend came over and announced on her arrival that there was a family of three moose in the neighbor's yard. I said a quick goodbye to my darling husband (he's in Rhode Island right now, and we miss him and all, but come on! THREE MOOSE!), and ran out with my camera to try and get a picture. By most standards, I failed, but here's the evidence anyway:

The moose in question were munching peacefully on the neighbors' landscaping. Hopefully they'll come back during the daylight hours so I can get a better picture.

Speaking of daylight, I'm almost looking forward to the end of daylight savings, because sunrise is currently at NINE-THIRTY. Yeah. On the other hand, we only get a little bit of a break when the clocks are turned back, because sunrise will creep back up to 9:30 by November 24th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What? I can't see it. You appear to have highlighted a sofa or piano or something being expelled from the supernova in your neighbor's living room.