Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween from Big Oil

I hope everyone had a fun Halloween yesterday! It pays to have connections in this town -- Soren got to show off his bluebird costume at the ConocoPhillips Halloween party. A friend of a friend was willing to invite some people she didn't even know (i.e. us), so we got to see how the corporate types and their kids like to party down. It turns out that a multi-billion dollar company knows how to throw a party. Well, it wasn't super-swanky -- there was just a lot going on, and lots of free food. The party was spread over four floors of the building (we only made it to two floors because Soren was getting tired), and there were all kinds of games, balloon animals, a juggler, face painting, two real owls, and really good cookies. Soren was impressed, and so he wouldn't stand still for me to take his picture.

By the time it was dark enough to trick-or-treat (after Soren's afternoon nap), he was pretty much all done with the costume-wearing, so we stayed in.

Does anyone want some candy? We only had two parties of trick-or-treaters come by last night, so I'm left staring at a bowl full of Butterfingers, almond Snickers and Nestle Crunch. Stupid candy. Almost as tempting as the internet.

1 comment:

Miriam Goldstein said...

I love Soren's bluebird wings. Also, if oil buys candy, screw the whole environment thing.