Thanks for all the well-wishes! Sigrid, Chris, Soren and I are doing well, and I'm currently awaiting Chris' return to the hospital with the new big brother, who will finally be meeting his sister for the first time. In terms of Soren's level of interest in Sigrid, I'm guessing it will be somewhere between "I want some crackers" and "Can I push this button?" We'll see...
So, let's get down to business. The Birth Story: Timeline Form. If you're squeamish, or male, I assure you that the only slightly gross word in the story will be "placenta," and I won't be describing it or anything, so you should be able to handle this.
Yesterday morning, 8:30: Drop Soren off at daycare, then return home and read the paper. Consider taking nap.
9:00: OB's office calls to reschedule my 3:15 appointment, since the doctor's going home early; can I come in right now? Sure. I suppose the nap can wait.
9:30: Routine appointment; I'm 3-4 centimeters dilated, but still haven't felt any major contractions, so we'll just wait and see what things look like at my next appointment on Tuesday.
11:00: Return home; take nap.
1:15: Awaken from nap; remember that I have to send out a platemaking file for an invitation client.
1:16: Stop to use the bathroom on my way to my office, whereupon my water breaks. Hmmm. Well, apparently I'll be having this baby sometime in the next 24 hours.
1:17: Start putting together the platemaking order.
1:20: Finish order, call Chris. Inform him that my water has broken, but I haven't gone into labor yet, so I'll let him know when he needs to come home.
1:25: Decide it might be a good time to shower, since I won't want to do it while I'm in labor (based on how it went last time).
1:34: Shave legs. Why not?
1:35: Get out of shower. Chris calls. I have a contraction while talking to him, and it's kind of owie, so I tell him maybe it's a good time to come home.
1:50: Having gotten dressed, I decide to head downstairs, since the contractions are getting painful enough that I won't want to use the stairs pretty soon.
1:52: Call my mom; tell her I'm in labor.
1:53: Call my dad; tell him I'm in labor. End call abruptly with "I have to go," since I don't want to scare him by yelling OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAGGHHHHH into the phone.
1:54: Start contracting and making loud noises in earnest.
2:03: Maybe I should start timing these. Move into the dining room to lean against a chair.
2:04: Get back on the floor.
2:12: I might call 911 if I could get up and get the phone. Alas.
2:15: Okay... there's no way I'm having the urge to push. It's way too soon for that.
2:16: This is insane. It's not time to push.
2:17: Perhaps I should think about removing my pants.
2:18: Yell like an extra in a slasher film.
2:19: Perhaps I should prepare to catch the baby.
2:19:30: That seems to be a head.
2:20: Hey, there's the rest.
Whereupon I took a few minutes to reflect on the fact that the baby was a girl, pink, crying a little, apparently had all her parts, and would probably pass the Apgar test. Then I had some time to think about how the baby was probably kind of cold, but all the clean towels were upstairs, and I really didn't think I should start wandering around when I still hadn't delivered the placenta. So I held her close and started wondering what exactly Chris would think when he got home. When he walked in at 2:30, he was a little.... surprised.
We called 911 and the rescue truck came immediately (helps that the fire dept is right down the street), and they helped deliver the placenta, covered us in blankets and various wires and sensors, and took us to the hospital, where a curious group of nurses was waiting to ogle us and say "AWWWWWW" as we came in. After some warming up, Sigrid was pronounced Just Fine, and now we're just hanging out and waiting to be discharged tomorrow (we could have left today, but we wanted to make sure her temp was stable overnight).
Makes me tired just thinking about it all. I'm going to take a nap. Go look at pictures, why don't you?
Friday, November 21, 2008
The Birth Story
Posted by
3:58 PM
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How amazing!
Off to look at pictures.
Kirsten, you're awesome.
Holy Cow! Good thing you took off your pants.
OK...I dare ANYONE to try an top that story!!!
This is where I say "That's MY girls who did that!"
(I knew you didn't wanted to play Scrabble! )
You are now officially my hero.
You just described my dream birth. LOVE it. Every woman I tell this story to is overwhelmed with pride in their feminine being. You are a hero to all of us with a va-j-j. YOU GO GIRL. :-)
Holy freaking crap! That's unbelievable. Seriously...I thought maybe you thought it was april 1st. I am in awe! How wonderful and exciting. And what a great story for her to tell as she grows up!
OH MY GOD!!!! I'm glad to hear everyone is doing well.
Rachel (KC Moms)
You win!
I am so proud of you, and happy for your entire family. Mazel tov!
Great Googly Moogly!
Wow!!! Amazing!!! Congrats again!
I'm speechless except to say oh my god...did you say that over and over? Congratulations again. You are awesome! I guess she wanted to skip the whole hospital thing since you both had spent plenty of time in there already.
Congrats & Great Going! (You too Sigrid)
Awesome. Well done.
Kirsten!Long time no see! Congratulations!How amazing!
Thanks for instilling fear on my husband & I. He is insisting I spend the rest of my term in the hospital.LOL Seriously, so incredibly impressed with how you handled the events!
Best of luck to you all!!
Oh wow! That is amazing! Well done and many, many congratulations on the birth of your gorgeous daughter! - from Hilary and your other friends in Cardiff :)
Holy ______! (I won't curse in front of the baby's delicate ears)
Oh. My. God.
Kirsten, you get a milkshake the size of the ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
You rule, forever, and we all bow down to you. You are freaking amazing.
Holy crap, dude! You are bad-ass. Erik and I are totally in awe.
Erik: Man, good thing she'd done this once before!
Mazel tov to you all!
I'm commenting a second time because I'm still so in awe that I've now drunkenly told your story at the bar, at the coffee shop and on the street. You are such a rock star!
In all seriousness, I didn't know public school girls could be that freaking cool. I thought it was impossible.
What an amazing story - and so funny the way you tell it. When I grow up, I want to have a baby just like that.
Holy Frijoles! That is some way to give birth! Congrats guys!
So did you get the plate sent?
I'm speechless. Wow. Congratulations.
I'd like to echo everyone's comments. Holy crap is right. Kirsten, that is amazing. I just read it again and it brought me to tears. Congratulations!
You showed 'em how it's done, honey! Congratulations from one Nordic fam to another! - Liv, Brandon, Søren, Solveig and Lily
P.S. I hung your parrot painting in our new house and was thinking of you just yesterday! Also, Sigrid is a fantastic name!
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