Thursday, December 18, 2008 Much as Possible

Shortly after I got home yesterday, Sigrid woke and began crying for dinner #1. Soren was playing nearby. I looked toward Sigrid and said, "Mama will be out soon to feed you."

Soren jumped up and ran toward Sigrid and pulled up his shirt. I asked him if he was showing Sigrid his belly. He said yes, because that's what Mama does to help Sigrid stop crying.


Christi said...

Margot had a similar confusion the other day. She wanted to nurse for the millionth time (yes, still nursing) and I was saying no. So, she climbed on to the couch next to me and start saying "off" and pointing at my pants. While I don't actually nurse her sans pants, they were covering my belly button which she sees a lot of while she nurses. Or maybe I misunderstood and she really just wanted to see my belly so that she's be happy.

MG said...

Aine's cousin lifts her shirt and puts a doll to her chest...she's helping too.