Friday, May 1, 2009

The End of an Era

Soren has always been a good sleeper. He started sleeping 7 hours straight at 7 weeks old, and hasn't made a fuss about it since. He's even been excellent about taking a nice looooong nap (2.5 hours) pretty much every day in the last year.

But no more. He's only napped once this week. He's upstairs right now, actually, in the process of figuring out what "Quiet Time in Your Room" entails. (Hint: it does not entail yelling down the stairs every five minutes that you want to come downstairs)

I don't know about him, but I really need Quiet Time. Ever since he's been out of day care, I've tried to engage with him during the vast majority of his waking hours (except when Sigrid needs something or he's busy playing with other kids). I wonder sometimes if I should leave him to his own devices more often, since he hasn't been playing independently very much lately. Plus I have that other kid who seems to want attention sometimes. She seems mostly happy grabbing her toes and watching Soren do stuff, but I'm not sure that's a recipe for a fulfilling childhood. Anyway, Mama needs some alone time to recharge in the afternoon, and maybe I've been spoiled by both kids napping at the same time, but if it's wrong to be spoiled, I don't want to be right. Because being right is tiring.

We'll see how well the Quiet Time thing catches on. I've noticed he's quietest when he's doing things he's not supposed to be doing. Maybe I should stock his room with Sharpies, jars of rainbow sprinkles, and the diaper bag.

To balance out the universe, however, Sigrid slept from 9:30 to 7:30 last night! I'll take some more of that.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

That's what Quiet Time always meant in our house, too. It was also sometimes known as Take Out Every Single Toy And Book In Your Room And Dump It On The Floor. I stuck with it as long as I could, but unfortunately it didn't last very long. Hope that you can get him to stick to the program (without trashing his room), and if nothing else, hopefully you'll at least keep getting more sleep at night!