Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What's White and Flaky and Falls on my Shoulders all Day?

Snow, of course. It's snowing again! Snow is so nice when it's the very beginning of the season and it hasn't gotten all dirty and gross. At least it won't get slushy here -- apparently, once it gets below freezing, it pretty much stays there until spring (or, as we hard-core Alaskans call it, "breakup"), so the snow never melts into those astonishingly deep slush puddles that like to hide at the edges of the road in Rhode Island. Instead, it just gets packed down into solid sheets of ice, which I guess is somehow better.

I'm looking forward to getting some snow on the ground so that I can take Soren out sledding -- given how much he likes scooching down hills on his butt, I can only imagine how ecstatic he'd be about actually picking up some speed on the way down.

Chris and I got a night away while Grammy and Grampy were here last week, which was very nice. We went down to Seward and enjoyed the SeaLife Center at a pace much more leisurely than a toddler's, played cribbage in a coffeeshop, and got to see the first decent snowfall of the season.

The above picture was taken in front of the (unfortunately underexposed) signpost marking the historic start of the Iditarod race (the official starting point was moved north to Wasilla, with a preceding ceremonial start in Anchorage).

So, anyway, yay for snow!


Christi said...

Yay, more people to play cribbage with!

Now maybe you can figure out how Adam has a come from behind victory EVERY GAME! I'd think that I was horrible if I wasn't ahead until the last had SO MANY TIMES. Sigh, maybe it's just that I'm married to a cribbage shark.

Kirsten said...

Christi: Refuse ALL the salty snacks and caffeinated beverages he offers you at the beginning of the game. Also, when he says "Hey, I think Margot's calling you!" in the middle of his shuffle... be suspicious.