Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Everyone I Know Shares the Same Birthday

OK, not really, but it would be handy if they did.

A hearty happy birthday to my OLD, OLD friends Jennifer and Emily! And a special shout-out to my nephew Brady, who turns one year old today!

Isn't he cute? I wish I could have been at his birthday party, and not just because I love cake.


La Migraineuse said...

aw, thanks so much! I like cake too. I'm going to eat lots of it tomorrow starting at noon, if you know what I mean. (if you don't, you're old and boring.)

Kirsten said...

Was that... dirty? Is "cake" code for mushrooms? Like, drug mushrooms or something? Or maybe by "cake" you mean "beer," and by "noon" you mean "ten a.m."

Please recall: I have ALWAYS been old and boring.

Claudia Golden said...

of course you didn't INTENTIONALLY forget to mention Michael Paul's BDay ('re brother in law?) I know, it's my job to know these things...
Your Mother(OBTW it's the 21st)

Chelsea said...

Brady thanks you for the shout-out.