Friday, April 6, 2012

Soren's New Documentary

While I was watching the pictures upload from Soren's camera, flashing by at high speed, it occurred to me that a movie might be the best way to present his work. So, complete with soundtrack, here is his latest slice-of-life film!

Oh, and we live in Seattle now. Good. Now the blog is totally up to date, and I don't have to feel like I need to fill you in on a million things before I post again.

And now, our feature presentation:

1 comment:

Oh...MG said...

I totally laughed when I read the "and now I don't feel like I have to fill you in on a million things before I post again."

My blog was pretty much in the same condition until I received outcry from parents and the smandersens.

I didn't want to post because it would take too long to fill in the blanks!

I've said it before on FB, but I LOVE this video montage.