Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I have a Fisher-Price Cam-er-a, I Like to Take Pho-to-graphs

Ansel showed us his unique perspective on Yosemite with his Korona, and Soren is showing us his unique perspective with his Fisher-Price digital camera. Signed prints of his 640x480 images are available for purchase in sizes between 24"x36" to billboard size (3" pixels).

Offerings are available in several categories:

Favorite Remote Controls

Title: Samsung and Wii

Title: In Soviet Russia, Remote Control Car Control You!

Intimate Spaces

Title: Civil Disobedience: Time-out with a Transcendentalist [1]

Title: The Scullery Maid's Contempt

Portraits of the Artist

Title: Contentment with Pillowy

Title: Curious Quiet

Professional Models

Title: Don't Hate Me for Being Under Thirty Pounds [2]


Title: Puppy with a Chance of Meatballs

[1] The picture on the wall is a portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Maybe Mommy and Daddy should find a naughty spot without a view of Thoreau's inspiration.

[2] If a parent is behind the camera, Sigrid runs toward the photographer so she can look at the picture of herself, often before a picture is taken; only Soren can get these poses.

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