Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fancy Things

The other day, I was dressing Soren in one of his rugby shirts, and he decided he wanted all the buttons to be done up, including the top one. I explained that the top one is generally left unbuttoned.

Soren: Why is it a button instead of nothing?

Me: To be fancy, I guess.

Soren [exasperated]: Well, then why don't they just put a GOLDEN CAR on there? Or a TROPHY?


Brian said...

I like that Soren is able to talk in ITALIC CAPITALS. Does he read POKEY THE PENGUIN?

Unknown said...

There was a semi-entertaining article recently, I think on Slate about how having all your buttons buttoned in a movie usually signifies someone mentally challenged (think Forrest Gump). There was some conjecturing about why, and one thought was that it usually means somebody else dressed you.

Sam @ Parenthetical said...

Ha! I totally just had a conversation about this last night with my boyfriend and a friend, who are both fancy-dressing men. Apparently people *did* used to button that top one, and then someone daringly left it unbuttoned like 100 years ago. So that button is a reminder of how we used to be even more uptight about men's clothes than we are now. Or something.

I agree that it would be way better if it were a golden car. I bet you could find golden car buttons if you were so inclined...

Jul said...

My first project as housewife was to replace all of Scott's top buttons with diamond-encrusted foie gras.