Friday, September 11, 2009

Cleaning Conundrums

Paradoxes? Perhaps! Dilemmas? Definitely! Cleaning Conundrum Quiz!

1. What do you do when you want to declutter your old house because you want to reduce the number of potential spider lurking spots, but then you're thwarted by spiders perched on the stuff you're trying to put away?

2. When the baby gets hold of a BJ's bottle of liquid soap and dumps a quarter of it on the floor and starts smushing it around with her hands and feet, is it funny that you then have to mop the floor and give the baby a bath? Or is that just annoying?

3. If you really need to vacuum the baby's room, but only get a chance to clean while she's napping in said room, can you find someone to spin dust bunnies into yarn and then knit it into a sweater while the baby's napping?


Oh...MG said...

You definitely need to set Sigrid up with a mop-onsie. She could have cleaned the floor for you...

Claudia Golden said...

I'll send that swiffer duster that Soren loved playing with....he's good for a few dust bunnies!