Friday, August 10, 2007

Denali with a Long Lens II

This time with an actual picture of Denali.

And our two best wildlife shots -- a caribou and a willow ptarmigan.

(A heavily-pared-down set of our Denali trip pictures is here, and as always, our full photoset is here)

We saw a ton of wildlife -- it was amazing. We saw moose, caribou, Dall sheep, ptarmigans, snowshoe hares, twelve grizzly bears (some very close), a golden eagle, and a gyrfalcon. All from the bus (they do stop the busses for wildlife viewing, so it's not a drive-by or anything).

Of course, you can't please everyone. On the bus ride back, I could hear a woman b*tching to her husband about how dirty everything was, and how long the bus ride was, and how they could have seen more animals if they'd gone to the zoo. Yeah, Janey Complainy, and then you'd be at THE ZOO. But I guess you can at least get a Slurpee at the zoo, so that makes it way better than big ol' dirty Denali National Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, how do caribou walk without their heads falling forward? Those antlers are ENORMOUS!

Also, that woman needs a smackdown. Why stop at the zoo? Why did you bother coming to Alaska in the first place? You can see just as many animals at the dog park around the corner in Armpit, Indiana. *sigh*